Gies Kerzen GmbH - a member of the Liljeholmens Group
Sales and Managing Director
Katja Fensterer
At present, the ALG Group, to which Gies Kerzen belongs, employs about 250 people in Europe. Gies Kerzen GmbH and the Portuguese subsidiary Promol account for about 150 employees.
Customer structure
Supermarkets, hypermarkets, discounters, drugstores, C&C, wholesale, department stores, DIY shops, upscale retail. Gies Kerzen is a founding member of the ECA (European Candle Association) and the Gütegemeinschaft Kerzen e.V..
Gies Kerzen offers its customers an attractive full range. The company sells its own brand products GIES and Dufti by Gies as well as products that reach the end customer under private labels.
We take the importance of fast and reliable delivery to our customers very seriously. Especially in the course of globalisation, the demands for timely delivery are becoming ever greater.
Economic efficiency
Gies Kerzen is a solidly financed company with a strong group of shareholders in the background. The positive balance sheet ratios have been continuously improved in recent years and thus Gies Kerzen - together with its subsidiaries and sister companies - will continue to be THE reliable partner for the discerning customer in the future.
Business Social Compliance Initiative
Gies Kerzen GmbH is a member of the BSCI and is therefore committed to improving social standards in supplier countries.