Gies Kerzen GmbH
Beim Zeugamt 8
D-21509 Glinde
Registergericht: Lübeck HRB 2028 RE
Geschäftsführerin: Anna Lundqvist
Tel.:+49 (40) 710 007-0
Fax: +49 (40) 711 02 71
Steuer-Nr: 30/292/00831
USt-ID: DE197915843
Company Data Protection Commissioner
Beim Zeugamt 8
D-21509 Glinde
Fax: +49 (40) 711 02 71
The contents of the Gies Kerzen GmbH website are subject to copyright and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. They may not be copied for commercial purposes or for distribution, nor may they be modified and used on other websites. Some internet sites also contain pictures/graphics/texts that are subject to the copyright of those who have made them available.
The data and information contained in our website have been carefully researched and checked by Gies Kerzen GmbH. We make every effort to constantly expand and update this range of information. However, Gies Kerzen GmbH cannot accept any liability, guarantee or warranty for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness. This also applies to Internet pages to which this website refers directly or indirectly. Binding statements can only be made in response to specific enquiries. Gies Kerzen GmbH reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided without prior notice.
The published links are researched and compiled with the greatest possible care. The editorial team has no influence on the current and future design and content of the linked pages. The editorial staff of Gies Kerzen GmbH is not responsible for the content of the linked pages and does not adopt the content as its own. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents as well as for damages resulting from the use or non-use of the information, only the provider of the website referred to is liable. The liability of the person who merely refers to the publication by means of a link is excluded. The reaction is only responsible for external references if it has positive knowledge of them, i.e. also of possible illegal or punishable content, and it is technically possible and reasonable to prevent their use.
You can find comprehensive information on the protection of your personal data in our privacy policy.
Gies Kerzen GmbH: diverse, fotolia: Denkou Images, iStock: ShaneKato StylePix, Olga Solovei, Sean Locke, Terentyev Ilya, Brian Chase, New Africa:, NesolenayaAleksandra:, Anja Kaiser:, Svetlana Lukienko:
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